Sunday, September 9, 2007


Let me start by talking about sinchronicity. The concept belongs to Jung and a very known physician (very, but you will get used to me not remembering names, titles and words... I use to add them later when I remember them!).

I talk about my own experience. That is even if I didn;t pay very close attenton to this phenomen it strikes me everytime to notice things come together so smoothly. As a background information, I do believe that once the process of individuation is in progressssss our psychic engages in a "spiral" towards unity, awareness, ego maturity. Explained differently: the child ego tries to understand the world and "himself" and living his everyday experiences learns how to cope with different emotions, states, social standards and requirements, frustrations, knowledge and everything that might happen to a person in life. Depending of flexibility, the person/and his/her ego learns from every new situation more about him/herself and in this way develops more skills for life, becomes more aware of him/herself, feels more comfortable in his/her own skin... essentially he/she gets closer to the center of his/her being. That is in many words and less essence what individuation does to a person. The point I wanted to make was that a person grows in maturity becoming more aware of his/her meaning in relation with the world and his/her own being. What happens more is that the psyche chooses from the variety of possible experiences and learning lessons the ones that it needs for completing a "learning task"; that is if some issues in the psyche are left unsolved you will eventually come back to the same experience and will find yourself in the same pain again until making "the right choice", dealing with the energy we avoided or couldn't control.

The conclusion is that some moments in life are learning experiences, not only for our intellect but for our emotional ego and our entire being.

Coming back to sinchronicity, I am talking about my most recent experience: I started to read about ego development. I was loooking on google for articles and I found some interesting resources. My interest was in development and the structure of the ego. By mistake I found an article about ego centered therapy. The focus was on ego states and the way they manifest in our personality. Separated from that, in the past 3 days I met one person talking to me about "different people in one's mind" and I read the posts on a group (I didn't know anything about it and I got there by accident) and the main topic was about supersonalities. I finally get to a book: (not by accident but sent by a post in the group:)). What is the learning experience in this? I am sure it's not all an accident, getting to the similar information from different unrelated sources , in the same time, not even looking for it.

This is a minor example though.

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